Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream
What's Cookin Good Lookin - Homemade Food

Homemade Whipped Cream

If you've never had homemade whipped cream, you haven't lived.
Whipped cream is quick and easy to make.
It's also much healthier that store bought versions
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Whisk
  • Bowl
  • Measuring Equipment (Cup/Teaspoon)
  • Food Processor with a Whisk Attachment (optional)
  • Sifter (optional)
  • Scale (optional)


  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 45 g Confectioners’ Sugar (2 Tablespoons)
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract (5ml)


  • Measure out confectioners’ sugar.
  • Sift the sugar. (optional)*
  • Combine the sugar, cream, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl.
  • Whisk the cream until peaks start forming. You're finished when the peaks hold.
  • If you're using a Kitchenaid (or other food processor); mix on medium-high speed (6-8) for about 2-3 minutes. Once the trails of the whisk become visible, increase the speed to high for an additional 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Heat is the enemy when making whipped cream.
Don’t let the cream sit out before use it. It should come out only when you’re ready to start whipping.
If you can, chill your whipping bowl in the freezer a half hour before you start.
Feel free to get creative. We put ice packs around the bowl as we’re whipping, to keep everything frosty.
*For best results, sift your sugar before adding it. If you don’t, you might get some sugar clumps which are a little unpleasant.

Getting Whipped Cream Right

What's Cookin Good Lookin - Homemade Food
Naomi Eating Whipped Cream & Strawberries (G. McGregor/ https://pawprintphoto.net)

When we first started making our own whipped cream we were utterly confused about which type of cream to use. There are a variety of fat content listed on labels.

  • Half-and-half contains 12% fat
  • Light cream contains 20% fat
  • Whipping cream contains 35% fat
  • Heavy cream contains 38% fat

Let’s start out by eliminating what we shouldn’t use. Forget about half-and-half and light cream. That simply don’t have enough butterfat to become a solid. So, no matter how hard or how long you whip it it will remain a liquid.

Also, avoid any imitation creams. They are usually much cheaper because they substitute fat for oil. For this reason they will not create a pleasant whipped cream and be much more unhealthy. They will most certainly lack the creamy notes you want.

It seems that obvious choice is the so called whipping cream, which contains 35% fat. Anything over 30% butterfat will whip. A whipping cream with 35% fat will make an ok whipped cream. However, I live by the maxim of the more fat the better. I gravitate towards the container of cream with the highest fat content, which tops out around 47% in Japan. These care heavy creams in the US and double creams in the UK. These heavy creams will give you a very creamy and solid whipped cream, so it’s highly recommended you opt for something in the 40% ratio.

Whipping Workout

What's Cookin Good Lookin - Homemade Food
Whipped Cream Peaks (envato.com)

Now that we’ve got the cream sorted, let’s talk about mixing. It shouldn’t take any longer than 5 minutes or so to fully whip the cream. As you’re whipping you want to watch for the formation of peaks in the cream. The peaks are a good indication that cream is becoming solid. You will want to keep a very close eye on it now as it’s almost ready.

You can stop whipping as see if your cream peaks defy gravity. This can be accomplished simply by holding your whisk up and rotating it. If the cream peaks hold their shape, you’re done whipping. If not, whip for another 30 seconds and check again. Repeat as necessary.

Be careful of over-mixing the cream. This will give you butter. It will still taste awesome, but it won’t be quite the same experience.

It is quite possible to whip your cream by hand, but we will forewarn you that it’s one hell of a workout. If you don’t have a food processor with a whisk attachment, get ready for the arm workout of the year.

It’s going to take longer to mix, which means the cream will have more of a chance to warm up. You will really need to make some extra effort to keep the bowl cool.

Generally, we recommend using a food processor for this one.

The Simple Pleasures of Whipped Cream

There are few things in the food world that are as simple as whipped cream, yet so rewarding. Homemade whipped cream with raw, in-season berries just can’t be beat. It’s such an explosion of taste in your mouth. The creaminess mixed the tart, sweet, and sour of the fruit. It is so satisfying.

Don’t fool yourself into believing the imposters you find in the supermarket are good. Store bought ‘whipped creams’ are full of chemicals, made of imitation cream, and are horrible for your health. Once you’ve had the real thing, you’ll also realized how lackluster Cool Whip & aerosol ‘whipped creams’ taste.

This whipped cream also goes great on top of our yogurt pancakes!

If you are gonna whip it, whip it good.

Is there any other song you can make whipped cream to? I think not!