Tag: vanilla

Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream

Getting Whipped Cream Right When we first started making our own whipped cream we were utterly confused about which type of cream to use. There are a variety of fat content listed on labels. Half-and-half contains 12% fat Light cream contains 20% fat Whipping cream 



A good place to start The ultimate poor man’s cocktail. For the perspective of person concocting this drink; you don’t need many ingredients to create this drink. The cocktail requires no special equipment. Lastly, it doesn’t really require any special skill or knowledge. Ask any 

Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla Sugar

Flavoring your sugar Though not typical in an American kitchen, vanilla sugar is a mainstay in Europe. If you live in the northern Europe area, sourcing vanilla sugar is as easy as heading to your nearest supermarket. For the rest of us, we can either 

Make Your Own Vanilla Alcohol

Make Your Own Vanilla Alcohol

Infusing Your Alcohol with Vanilla Vanilla alcohol is one of the easiest things you can make. It’s also really cost effective to make your own. Commercially available varieties can be filled with all kinds of enigmatic ingredients, notably sugar. A sweetened base liquor can really