Tag: Cuba Libre

Amazing Cocktail | Juice Cheat Code

Amazing Cocktail | Juice Cheat Code

A juice cheat code that will get you 15 times more juice out of lemons/limes. Super easy and really cheap to pull off. This hack will …

Cocktail: Vanilla Coke (Simplest Recipe Ever!)

Cocktail: Vanilla Coke (Simplest Recipe Ever!)

One of simplest cocktail ever, no joke. It’s also one of the tastiest drinks you can throw together, making this an easy score.

Cocktail: Traditional Cuba Libre

Cocktail: Traditional Cuba Libre

The Cuba Libre is a classic cocktail, and more than just rum and coke. Discover the simple trick to make this enduring cocktail the correct way.

Cocktail: Cherry Libre

Cocktail: Cherry Libre

A very simple, delicious, and relatively unknown drink. Considering how easy it is to make, it’s surprising this doesn’t make it onto more menus.