Refried Beans

Refried Beans

Often called the magical fruit, beans are a quintessential part to almost every Mexican meal. We dive head first into creating refried beans, making it carb-free and healthy. Whether used as a side dish or bean dip, it’s the perfect complement to your Mexican meal.



You can’t eat Mexican food without guacamole. It’s illegal. That’s a fact! Stay out of food jail and improve your life by learning how to make your own.

Incredible Creations | Plump Rum Raisins

Incredible Creations | Plump Rum Raisins

Take your baking to the next level with rum raisins. They require almost no work to create but make whatever you use them in a million times tastier.

Super Simple Italian Dressing

Super Simple Italian Dressing

Salad Dressing: Keeping it simple & healthy Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on a bottle of salad dressing? It’s frightening. Unless you’re a food chemists, it is doubtful you’ll know what half the things are. Even worse, they are usually loaded with 

Simple Syrup

Simple Syrup

Simple Syrup Is What You’re Missing! Chances are you’ve had, or made, a DIY cocktail at home that just didn’t taste right. It might have tasted outright foul. While it’s hard to say where the bartender went wrong, Occam’s razor says it was the lack 

Italian Roasted Peppers

Italian Roasted Peppers

An essential for an antipasto, or just to dress up your sandwiches; Italian roasted peppers are a must. This easy to follow recipe will …

Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream

Getting Whipped Cream Right When we first started making our own whipped cream we were utterly confused about which type of cream to use. There are a variety of fat content listed on labels. Half-and-half contains 12% fat Light cream contains 20% fat Whipping cream 

Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla Sugar

Flavoring your sugar Though not typical in an American kitchen, vanilla sugar is a mainstay in Europe. If you live in the northern Europe area, sourcing vanilla sugar is as easy as heading to your nearest supermarket. For the rest of us, we can either